Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Snuff Spoon Method

A very small spoon is a very handy tool to any snuff-taker.  It can be used to move snuff from a storage container into your daily snuff-box.  A spoon can also be used to take snuff from your snuff-box and place it on the back of your hand or into your boxcar (see below).  A snuff spoon is especially helpful with dark or oiled snuffs, because it keeps your fingers clean.

But, you can also take the snuff into your nose directly from the small snuff spoon.  Simply use the spoon to pick up enough snuff for one nostril, raise it to just below one of your nostrils, and sniff.  Then repeat this process for the other nostril.  There are even rare double-spoons that allow you to take snuff up both nostrils at once directly from the spoon.

Click Here to see enlarged image.

This is actually one of my favorite ways to take snuff.  There is less control than when taking a pinch, because you are not controlling the snuff from between your thumb and finger as you sniff from a spoon.  But, as with the other techniques, with a little practice you learn you how far away from your nose to hold the spoon and the angle that works for you.  Taking your snuff from a spoon can be a very quick and pleasent way to enjoy snuff.

Taking your snuff from a spoon can also become necessary if your hands are dirty from manual labor or you are sweating.  No one wants to pinching snuff with dirty fingers or take their snuff off the back of a sweaty hand.

There are many kinds of snuff spoons, including silver, pewter, wood, and even very fancy ones with gems or jewels.  But, many snuff-takers use non-spoon objects in a spoon-like fashion.  I've heard of snuff-takers using coffee stir sticks, the blade of a pocket knife, a broken off pencil, the tip of the handle of a large eating spoon, the tip of a key, or about anything else they have handy that can be used to pick up a small quantity of snuff and bring it to your nose.

To read more tips and techniques on snuff-taking, Click Here.

Mark Stinson
Modern Snuff Website

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