We took the approach of listing categories of snuff based to some degree on flavor or scent. But, there is also information on the grind of the snuff, fermentation, tobacco varieties, etc. The goal was to give a new snuff-taker the tools to understand conversations that take place between other snuff-takers, and to give them a starting place when choosing the kinds of snuff they might like. Besides describing the snuff categories, six examples of snuff products were given under each category.
The page was just uploaded today. If you find any information on the page that is incorrect or that could be presented in a better way, please email me at mark@modernsnuff.com and let me know.
Mark Stinson
Modern Snuff Website
Brilliant piece of information. No way would I describe myself as an "expert "snuffer" but I certainly picked up some useful tips which I'm sure I will apply to my future snuff orders.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Paul!